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Canine First Aid

Learn how to confidently take care of your dog and others, both in 

non-emergent and emergency scenarios. Train your dog to be calm, allow handling and medical treatment. Be educated to handle stressful situations and make the right decisions under pressure. 

Would you rather say "I know how to do that" or "If only I knew how" when it really matters? Don't wait any longer and learn now!

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Canine Health Canada

Offering in-person, hands-on canine first aid courses for both adults and children. The full day course is for anyone 10 and up while our 

children's course is recommended for ages 5 to 9, older children are

still welcome. Note that the adult course does involve physical activity to preform CPR and follow through other on the floor demonstrations.

Full Day Canine Health and Emergency First Aid Course: 


             - Learn hands-on basic care and prevention 

                                 - skin & coat, teeth & gums, nails, anal glands, 

                                  nutrition, exercise & rest, vaccines & parasite 

                                  control, spaying & neutering, and more

             - Gain more knowledge on risk management

                                 - home hazards, environmental hazards, common

                                    poisons, prevention, management & treatment

             - Learn first aid methods and techniques

                                 - bites & stings, bleeding, burns, breaks & fractures,        

                                    convulsions & seizures, cuts & wounds, vomiting, 

                                      drowning & dry drowning, hypothermia &

                                   hyperthermia, and more

             - Preform CPR and mouth to snout (with dog mannequins)

                                 - choking, mouth to nose resuscitation, CPR

             - Be educated on common medical issues by body part

                                 - head injuries, nose injuries, eye issues, ear issues,

                                    claws & paw pads, mouth & tongue injuries, heart

                                    failure, lameness, spinal injuries, urinary infections,            

                                    constipation & diarrhea, and more

             - Discover how to approach & handle larger medical incidents

                                 - traffic accidents, shock, bloat, transportation,

                                    muzzles and more

             - Learn how to condition your dog to accept treatment

                                 - administer oral medications, instill eye drops, clean

                                    & medicate ears, give injections and more

             - Take home a 130+ page canine health and emergency

               first aid reference manual 

             - Graduate with a frame worthy certificate of completion 

             - Take home a wallet-sized canine first aider identification                                 card (canine vital signs on the back)

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7 hr course (1 day)




Our Next Scheduled Adult Class: 

Sunday June 30th, 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Part Day Children's Canine First Aid Fundementals Course: 


             - Learn hands-on basic care and prevention 

                                 - skin & coat, teeth & gums, nails, nutrition, exercise

                                    & rest, and more

             - Gain more knowledge on risk management

                                 - home hazards, environmental hazards, common

                                    poisons, prevention, management & treatment

             - Learn first aid methods and techniques

                                 - bleeding, breaks & fractures, cuts & wounds,

                                    hypothermia & hyperthermia, and more

             - Be educated on common medical issues by body part

                                 - eye issues, claws & paw pads, mouth & tongue

                                    injuries, and more

             - Discover how to approach & handle larger medical incidents

                                 - shock, bloat, and more

             - Learn how to condition your dog to accept treatment

                                 - administer oral medications, instill eye drops, clean

                                    & medicate ears, give injections and more

             - Take home the "I can help" kid's first aid booklet 

             - Graduate with a frame worthy certificate of completion 

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3 hr course


$59 + tax



Elliot the German Shepherd and canine first aid demo dog


Our Demo Dogs

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