A benefit of owning a dog is being able to join the dog enthusiast community. The purpose of The Dog Rink is to have one unified place where you can meet the needs of the whole family. The Dog Rink offers training, exercise, structured play groups and exposure groups as well as dog vendors that supply leashes, collars and even handmade portraits.
We are located at 200 Spring Valley Road Kitchener ON N2H 5X8
Training is meant to be enjoyed. It can be an incredible bonding experience not just with you and your dog, but the entire family. Training is a crucial part of being a pet parent. It provides physical and mental stimulation and exercise, helps build confidence, gives your dog a trusted independence and can strengthen your dog to human relationships. Training is learning for both human and dog that leads to more fluent back and fourth communication.
Q&A Page
Visit our Q&A page to get answers to common questions. Don't see the question you had in mind? Ask yourself to help other dog owners
and be responded to personally and promptly!
At Working Wolf Dog Training we provide active educational learning through dog training (private and class), dog walks and grooming. We work with owners and their families to help them better understand their dog, gain practical skills, and learn how to problem solve. We educate owners to be able to equip them with the knowledge and skill to transfer their step by step learning to multiple different areas (like teaching new tricks, creating new patterns and ‘house rules’ or getting rid of unwanted behaviours).
Working Wolf Dog Training’s vision is to bring a deeper education to the dog community by not only supporting dogs’ emotionally but physically. Our goals are to be able to make little-known services and activities more accessible to the general public. From dog massage and Doga (dog yoga) to Triebball, Rally, agility and more.

Canine First Aid
- Learn how to confidently react
in non-emergent and
emergency situations
- Practice bandage techniques
- Train your dog to accept
handling and treatment
- Have the knowledge to make the
right decisions under pressure
- Take home a health and
emergency first aid manual that
includes CPR & rescue breathes
For when your dogs can't fend for themselves and need help.
Be the hero your dog
thinks you are!